Website Development or Refresh Quote Request Thank you for your interest in building your ecommerce business with Artifex. Please complete this form in as much detail as you can. Doing this will help us prepare a detailed quote for you. Step 1 of 3 33% Contact and AspirationsName:Email: Phone:Business/Shop Name:List any websites that do things similar to what you want done or work in a way you want your site to work?What is your business model? How do you plan to make money?Tell us which platform and why you have chosen it?Do you have a particular platform that you’re interested in using or want to use and why? Yes No Budget and TimelinesDo you have a budget? Yes No Are you open to sharing the budget with me? Yes No Your budget:Please Select$1,800-$2,500$2,500-$5,000Over $5,000Is there a specific date or milestone that needs to be met? EG A grant deadline or special event.Why are you building this site now? Why not six months ago? Why not six months from now?Why Us? Why are you coming to Artifex to work with you? Wants and NeedsTell us about what you want to do with the site?Are you protecting content (that is not everyone will be able to see/access what is on the site)? Yes No Is there a membership component? Yes No Will this include ongoing membership subscription fees? Yes No Are you showing protected videos? Yes No Where will your videos be stored? (eg Vimeo, Youtube, Don't Know)Will you be providing digital downloads? Yes No What type of digital files will they be? PDF Video Audio Other Are you shipping physical products? Yes No Who will be your shipping provider?Will you be selling: Locally Nationally Internationally Are you shipping physical products regularly as a subscription model? Yes No Please tell us more about this.Are you building a wholesale channel for distribution? Yes No Please tell us more about this.Are you building a marketplace where you have third-party vendors who are selling through your store? Yes No Please tell us more about this.Are you creating a catalog of products where all the purchasing is actually offline? Yes No Will product prices be visible only to logged in users? Yes No Will you want to manually approve who can access your prices? Yes No Will people be able to customize your products? (Your products are customised to their order request for example, having their preferred wording entered in or on the item) Yes No Please tell us more about this.Do you know how you will take payments? Yes No Please tell us more about this.Will you be able to provide us with the product photos, descriptions and pricing data? Yes No Please select those options you would like us to help you with: Product photography Product description copywriting Sourcing photos Information from your supplier NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.