The proven lead generation system that attracts new leads and converts new customers.

The Igniter Lead Gen Stack is a powerful online marketing suite that establishes YOU as the GO-TO in your niche and generates a steady source of leads behind the scenes. With this system in place you can attract potential customers to your business and convince them that you are exactly who they need in their life.

Imagine the peace of mind you will have once you know and trust that this system is working away 24×7 and bringing in new leads – especially when you’re not working! It’s a pretty special zing when you find your inbox had new leads drop in while you were sleeping (or network breakfasting)!

Through the Igniter Lead Gen Stack we can help you achieve this success through a combination of:


one on one marketing strategy consultation where we identify everything about your ideal customer and the product/service solution you offer

creation of a compelling free offer they won’t say no to (learn about lead magnets)
design, copywriting and build of website pages for delivering your offer
email marketing integration (eg MailchimpConvert Kit)
branded email marketing template
an email nurturing sequence that establishes your expertise
creation of blog post that captivates searchers in your niche
creation of short form social media posts to direct fans to your offer
delivering training and guidance on how to manage your new lead generator
lead generation package

Without a lead generation system like this, you risk seeing your business plateau; getting stuck in the constant churn of social media content with no results and missing out on attracting leads and clients who are looking for what you offer.

If you want a lead generations system that’s working for you, even when you’re not working, I invite you to reach out and Book A Complimentary Consultation.

The Lead Magnet Playbook

Learn more about lead magnets

Discover which type of lead magnet is the most compelling for your business industry with our Lead Magnet Playbook.