There isn’t much in this world that is truly unique – is there? Including in business, finding a product or service that no other business offers is rare. If found, its uniqueness is short lived, as others are quick to replicate.
How then, can YOUR business stand out in the crowded marketplace?
As I reflect on my own encounters with a vast array of different business types with most offering the same products and services – I’m thinking hair salons, cafes, clothing boutiques, local takeaways, online and bricks & mortar stores – there is ONE THING that they all share.
ONE THING that they all offer to every single customer.
ONE THING that can set them apart from the similar business down the road.
ONE THING that can determine whether a customer comes back… or not… ONE THING…
The customer experience.
What is the Customer Experience?
A good customer experience is found in the little details. The little details that the customer notices and makes them feel good; that makes them remember the experience of buying from you as much as the product or service itself; that makes them choose you again instead of the competition.
For example it is…
The warm cup of tea a fashion boutique offers its customers when it’s cool outside;
The unexpectedly cute packaging the lingerie is wrapped in when it arrives in the post;
The thank you card offering free shipping on my next order;
The positive hand written quote on my takeaway coffee cup lid;
The bunch of flowers left for me by my house cleaner (shouldn’t it be the other way around?);
The complimentary interior clean my car receives when it gets a mechanical service;
The discount card in the mail for my birthday haircut offer;
The email waiting for me after my first personal training session – demonstrating the stretches I should do throughout the day for recovery and the best food choices post workout.
Be Inspiring, Personal, Unexpected
Inspiring customer experiences are typically personal, unexpected, tangible and compelling. It is the next step beyond the “expected” good customer service. And, with society’s willingness to share their experiences (good and bad) on social media, your customers’ experiences may also serve you beyond the moment. Creating more opportunities for your business to shine in a crowded marketplace.
What is your ONE THING? Is the customer experience a part of your ongoing business strategy and business marketing?
If not, I hope this article inspires you to create some truly remarkable and memorable experiences for your customers.
Have you had any inspiring customer experiences of your own? Please comment and share.