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Finding your gift

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This week I attended “Gifted to Lead” a forum lead by Nancy Beach of Willow Creek Church. This was an awesome event guiding us chickies down the pathway of leadership. In particular, it helped me identify some potential gifts in my life that I haven’t opened yet…have you opened your gift?

You know, I’ve never really considered myself of leadership material, but when I look back at some pivotal moments in my life (all the way back to primary school) there are key events that now look like arrows pointing the way to a position of leadership. That’s an exercise that I’d strongly recommend everyone to do at some stage. Here’s some basic steps:

  • What are some of the key events, comments, mistakes and wins in your life? From childhood to yesterday – list them.
  • Is there a common thread running through them? If so, IDENTIFY IT! There might be more than one.
  • Is it positive, something you are doing or could be doing in your life? Is it or will it bring value to your life? If so, CLAIM IT! Verbally speak it out, pray for it – whatever is your take, but own it.
  • Is it negative, something that you need to let go of? Is it bringing you down and not adding value to your life? If so, DENOUNCE IT! Write it down, tear it up and throw it away – believe it will no longer influence your life.

I went through this exercise and find an identifiable pathway that leads me to the realm of public communication and leadership – something I have avoided with great effort. And yet now, I think I might be ready for it.

See those key events you identified as stepping stones in your life – hopefully stepping stones towards a gift you haven’t opened yet. My hope is that by pin-pointing those stepping stones (or flashing arrows shouting THIS WAY) you will see that you are actually ready and more prepared to use your gift than you realised you were. Ready to use the gift that is unique to you and your life.

See those key events you identified as stepping stones in your life – hopefully stepping stones towards a gift you haven’t opened yet.

How exciting, this GIFT just might be your call and purpose in life.

Try it – you too might be surprised by where it leads you.

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