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5 TOP LEAD MAGNETS for Bookkeepers

Lead Generation

Wondering which type of lead magnets for bookkeepers have had the best success for businesses like yours? Listed below are the 5 top trending lead magnet types for your industry.

Ebook Reports

Ebooks are the perfect tool to address topics and issues your business has the solution to. The PDF format is preferable since it is usable on most devices. Ebooks are wide and varied. They are a means of sharing information about a key topic or focus area.

PROS: Easy to create as there are many ebook generator tools online. Most word processing programs also output as a PDF.

CONS: Even though the lead magnet is free, it shouldn’t look cheap and dodgy. Invest in quality design and quality content.

The advantage of an ebook is that you have your reader’s undivided attention. Compared with a website, there are fewer distractions and incentives for them to click away. This means the content can be more detailed but it should still be focussed on a specific topic. Bookkeepers could identify a common issue amongst your clients and prepare a report that resolves it. For example, 5 things newly married couples should be aware of in their finances, or what to look for in a bookkeeper for your small business.

  • Be specific: Cover a single topic in detail
  • Be unique: Make your ebook stand out from the crowd with a unique angle or perspective. Perhaps you could target a specific, untapped niche.
  • Be individual: The content should be reflective of YOU – speak in your own voice and call on your own personal experiences and expertise.
  • Be knowledgeable: Demonstrate how your knowledge and experience is relevant to your target market.

Mini Courses

MINI COURSES can be delivered as an audio course, video course or an email course. They can include audio, video, text, images and be delivered through a Facebook Group, your website, by staggered emails or webinars.

Typically, mini courses would be a series of content pieces delivered over a set of days or weeks. Both video and audio mini courses as a lead magnet could be a splinter or segment taken from a larger course. Using the first chapter or module as the lead magnet, with an upsell to the full course as the next stage of the funnel.

Email courses are easy to put together because they don’t require you to create anything fancy or downloadable. They can include video and audio files, but can simply be text in an email. Essentially, an email course is an autoresponder series sent automatically through email that teaches users how to accomplish something specific.

Video courses are well-received as people like watching a video. It’s easy to view on both computers and mobile devices. Video is considered more valuable than text or audio due to the production process required to create them. Video trainings do not have to be you speaking on screen. They can also be screencasts, which is when your actions on the computer screen are recorded along with your voice explaining what you’re doing. Video training can also be your live events or workshops filmed and reused.

Audio courses are seeing a revival with thanks to mobile devices and podcast apps. It’s a different way to consume information and it allows you to pack a lot of information within a little time. As audio can be consumed while driving or walking it is a practical method of delivery for busy people. Video recordings of live events and workshops can also be repurposed into audio recordings.

For Bookkeepers

  • You could create a mini course demonstrating how to use the bookkeeping software you work with, such as Xero, from the perspective of the business owner. A video course would be suited to this, especially one based on screencasts. fleeq.io and loom.com are both tools you could use.
  • For an audio course, you could create a series on bookkeeping issues that business owners (or your whomever your ideal client is) need to know. What is a common problem you resolve of this kind – speak about that. Share how you “do it”. You could also base it on typical financial related topics like cashflow, forecasting, net profits etc.



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Audio Download

Similar to audio courses, audio downloads, however, can be a single file downloaded instead of a series. They are a complete stand-alone educational piece that provides information about a topic or teaches your prospects to do something. Audio downloads do very well in markets where your audience is usually busy and prefers to consume content on the go (eg while walking or driving).

PROS: Becoming popular again as they can be consumed while multitasking.

CONS: Perhaps the least exciting of lead magnets as they don’t have an inspiring visual element to them.

Calculator Spreadsheet

Calculators and bookkeepers go together like birds of a feather, and so of course they are a popular choice of lead magnets for bookkeepers. What simple calculation can you create in a spreadsheet and share with your leads and ideal clients? Home budgets, expense trackers, cashflow forecasting.

Spreadsheets can be a great lead magnet and such a useful tool when meeting the right need in the right market. They can work across industries and market niches. Weight loss or body fat calculators for fitness trainers. GST/TAX calculators for bookkeepers. Marketing spends or ROI calculators for agencies. Quoting calculators for many types of businesses.

PROS: They can be delivered in Excel or Google spreadsheets making them accessible by everyone.

CONS: If you are not familiar with spreadsheet software and calculation formulas you may need to hire someone to create it for you. Make sure that the calculations are accurate.

Some spreadsheet template ideas that a bookkeeper could offer their potential leads include:

  • a calculation sheet that clients can use to formulate their quotes on
  • financial spreadsheets to calculate break even points, hourly rates, profit ratios
  • a monthly financial reporting template that calculates important monthly KPIs

Remember to include instructions on how to use it, your brand and contact information on the spreadsheet.


A financial calendar is another good lead magnet for bookkeepers as they are a good way to streamline the bookkeeping process and trains clients to be organised and stay on top of their financial tasks and important dates. Calendars offer prepared “do this / then” insights that people like as it helps them save time.

PROS: They can be supplied in both a digital and printed format.

CONS: Can be time-consuming to set up. If set to specific days/dates then they are limited to the current year.

Would you like someone to brainstorm lead magnet ideas with. You can book a call with me, or send me a message. I’d love to learn about your business and work out ways to attract more customers to your business.

Are you ready to take your Lead Magnets for bookkeepers SERIOUSLY?

Well those are our top picks of lead magnets for bookkeepers, BUT there are a whole lot more possibilities. That’s why we have created the Lead Magnet Playbook that gives more information on 20 different lead magnets and even more insight into how you can use lead magnets in your bookkeeping business. Click here to get your copy. But Lead Magnets are just one part of a bigger engine – FUNNELS!!. So we have also created a series about funnels. Start learning more about sales funnels here.

Lead Magnets for bookkeepers

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