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What is a Landing Page and How to Use Them

Lead Generation

Waiting for people to visit your website is sabotage to your own business. The digital landscape is competitive and you have to craft a way to attract your audience to your brand. A landing page can help because it’s specifically designed to convert.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a web page visitors are directed to after clicking an advertisement. But, it’s not your homepage. It’s a standalone page about a specific topic or issue. It captures leads, makes sales, or presents information about anything promotion specific.

Landing pages expand the message from the original advertisement the visitor clicked on. From there, marketers convince and convert leads into customers.

The Ad = Attracts
The Landing Page = Convinces
The Sales Funnel = Converts

Why does your business need a landing page?

Creating a different page instead of using your website is a bit of a hassle. But a web page built for specific sales goals will help you increase leads and conversions. This leads to a better ROI.

Here are some ways your business can use landing pages:

  • Increase conversion rates through an enticing offer to page visitors
  • Collect personal information and contact details useful for marketing
  • Build brand awareness by creating a page solely for a campaign
  • Improve rankings in search engines by optimising your landing page
  • Use it for pay per click (PPC) and direct users to a landing page instead of a company page
  • Promote various business offers such as free trials, specials, products and services
  • As a stand-in web page when your main site is under construction and you still want to capture leads

Types of landing pages

A business is not limited to one landing page. You will most likely need multiple pages for various offers or audiences.

You can use the landing page categories and types below to see which best fits your needs:

Standalone: These are the commonly-used and most efficient landing pages.

  • Click-through landing page: Redirect visitors to a page that provides hyper-targeted details about your product or service. Businesses are “warming up” the customers into their offers and use simple call-to-action buttons.
  • Lead generation page: Collects the name, email, and contact details of visitors to engage them in the buyer journey. Use a lead form as a call-to-action. Include an incentive (lead magnet) in exchange for personal information.
  • Viral landing page: Heighten the interest of viewers by including games or videos on a landing page. It has subtle branding of the creator or owner. The aim is to see it shared to build brand awareness.

Sitelet: a small supplementary site for the main website

  • Microsite: a company’s website condensed in a single page. It is used for large campaigns and includes a URL relevant to the campaign.

Internal website : standard pages in a website but are ineffective in converting audiences

  • Product detail page: contains all the information about products for sale. It can be distracting because of the navigations and easy exits.
  • Homepage: your landing page is not your homepage but some businesses use it. It isn’t effective for conversion. There are many distractions which deviate visitors from your campaign goal.


Best Lead Magnet Types

Tools for creating landing pages

Choose tools that can help you produce effective landing pages:

Page Builder

  • Click Funnels: the complete funnel builder, Click Funnels includes templates for every page you could need. Perfect for those who don’t have a website.
  • Unbounce: a page builder with a variety of responsive designs for web-based, email, and social media landing pages
  • Landingi: a novice friendly landing page builder with a free trial
  • Instapage: one of the easiest landing page builders
  • Hubspot: for more personalised and tracked landing pages
  • Lead Pages: an affordable page builder with various functions and templates; fits almost any industry



  • Five Second Test: feedback comes from random users on how understandable the landing page is
  • UserTesting: gives an in-depth review of your landing page
  • CrazyEgg: a recording, A/B testing, and heatmap tool to see how visitors are using your website
  • Optimizely: split testing tool good for pages created from scratch


Other tools

  • Hello Bar: a thin bar at the top of a website used for promotions
  • Pingdom: review how fast or slow your landing page is

What makes an effective landing page?

It’s not enough that you have a landing page. You must optimise it to get your desired results:

  • Simple, uncluttered and responsive design: Respond to the needs of your audience. Avoid including lots of navigations or irrelevant information. Also, ensure that they looks good across all platforms.
  • Alluring headlines: Use captivating, relevant headlines to attract attention. It also assures your audiences that they are in the right place.
  • Create good content: Provide your audience something valuable in bite-sized chunks of information.
  • Limit exits: Don’t add any hyperlinks and anything that can be used as a departure point.
  • Clear call-to-action: Direct your visitors to take action by making your CTAs big and bold. Place in somewhere they can easily access.
  • Easy-to-scan page: Make all the essential information obtainable in a quick glance.

How do landing pages fit in the sales funnel?

You exchange information with your leads. You offer them valuable information that answers a particular pain point. In exchange they give you their contact details you can use for ongoing marketing. This exchange makes landing pages a valuable part of the lead generation stage.

Landing pages make it easier for you to get contact information by offering your help. Keep your audience’s attention by providing a page with only the necessary details they need. Include a call-to-action or relevant messaging that directs them to the next step

Read more about the sales funnel here.

Directing your dream customer into your sales funnel

Russel Brunson teaches about the logical progression of your dream customer in the video below. This is just one of many insights you can discover in his book Traffic Secrets – where he reveals how to fill your website and funnels with dream customers.

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