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5 TOP LEAD MAGNETS for Social Media Marketers

Lead Generation

If you’ve landed here, then you already know lead magnets are an important marketing tool for business. The question is – what is the best type of lead magnet for social media managers and marketers right now, that will attract leads and create new customers?

This is an update to our popular post outlining the 5 top lead magnets for social media marketers. The original top 5 are listed further below. But let’s start with new lead magnet ideas for 2022.

If you need to start generating leads fast, check out the newly launched Ready-Made Lead Magnet for Social Media Managers here.

Lead Magnet Ideas for Social Media Managers in 2022

IDEA 1: Guides on how to create photos that capture user engagement

You know that photos are more important than ever when planning your clients social media posts. Often, you will be relying on them to provide those photos to you. But how often are they lacking the wow factor.

  • Create a guide with 5 tips on how to take better photos on phones.
  • Create an explainer about the “pattern interrupt” and how photos/images can be used to stop the scroll and draw attention to their post.
  • Search out photo sources that go beyond the “too well known and overused” stock photo sites and create a listicle of better alternative stock sites. For example sites like Style Shoot Social for beautifully styled business photos with an Australian flavour
  • Create a fun ebook of your personal pet-peeves when it comes to photos on socials. Outline the simple steps they can take to make them better. Some examples are:
    • removing desk and background clutter
    • making use of natural light sources
    • experimenting with creative and flattering camera angles

IDEA 2: Bust video content creation myths and denials

First there were photos, but then came video. While you know video content reigns supreme for gaining user engagement, video creation is kept in the “too hard basket” for most business owners. What can you do that inspires prospective clients to find the time and courage to get out there and film? You could create a lead magnet that guides subscribers on to a paid course such as a monthly content planning program. Here are our 5 fave video content lead magnet ideas:

  • Create a video creation planner with a focus on content for stories or reels. If you serve a particular market niche, plan out a series of prompts with examples that they can use. Some obvious inclusions:
    • introducing yourself and key staff
    • introducing flagship products and the benefits to buyers
    • answering common FAQs

Prepare a brief outline for a series of video clips on each topic and they will have an interesting blend of content to share. Come up with 30 different topic ideas that pertain to your client base, and you will have a months worth of content planning to share as a powerful and practical lead magnet.



  • Create a checklist of your preferred video equipment. If you can turn any of those into affiliate links then you create an opportunity for additional income. My personal video equipment must haves include:

IDEA 3: Share your deepest, most valuable insights

As an experienced social media manager, you will already have good insights into those frequently asked questions about the service you offer; or perhaps the common barriers/doubts your prospects have to overcome before they will hire you. Create your own unique content that busts those barriers, myths, or issues. You can do this in an ebook or as a video training.

In these 3 simple ideas are over 7 unique Lead Magnet ideas you can use to attract potential clients to your social media management business. Now, onto the original list with the…

Top 5 Lead Magnets for Social Media Managers

Wondering which type of magnets have had the best success for social media businesses like yours? Listed below are the 5 top trending lead magnet types for your industry.

Swipe File

Do you offer Facebook Advertising management to your clients? If so, a collection of effective Facebook ads across specific industries, or purposes can be an interesting asset for business owners to have on hand. This collection is also known as a “swipe file” and can be a great resource for inspiration, comparison, and competition analysis.

Swipe Files are a collection of effective, successful, well created “what evers” depending on your niche. Swipe files are about providing inspiration and saving time.

PROS: They can be quick to create as you are using content created from other sources. It can just consist of those images/files, you don’t have to add extra content of your own.

CONS: As they are collected from other sources be wary of potential copyright infringements.

  • A social media marketers swipe file might be:
    • A collection of Facebook ads for specific industries or niches, particularly those you serve.
    • A collection of popular meme photos that are used as the base of many and varied memes.
    • A collection of before and after photos of Facebook pages with improved business pages (profile picture, cover photo, buttons, the side tabs, the about feature)
    • A collection of proven headlines for Facebook or email subject lines to get more opens

Because they are often collected from varying sources, you can usually get away with them being less visually appealing or varied in appearance.

Video Training

What do your clients struggle to do themselves, that you can train them through? I know that some of my clients have struggled getting the Instagram app on their phone, creating a business account, connecting it to Facebook and creating their first post. That whole process could easily be filmed and shared as a video training guide – especially now phones allow you to film your screen as you use it.

Video training gives valuable and engaging information to your leads. It can be a more efficient way of delivering information as it is easy to be consumed anytime anywhere through mobile devices.

PROS: It has a high perceived value and can be accessed anytime. A range of software and desktop apps are available that make screen recording and screen sharing quick and easy.

CONS: Can be expensive to produce if it requires post-production (such as editing, titles or audio)

Other video training ideas for social media marketers to share could include:

  • A screencast of how to use a relevant application or website. Eg how to use Canva to create Facebook posts.
  • Explainer videos of how to add Facebook icons or pixels to their website
  • Explainer videos of how to use live video, with the best sound and lighting.

The key is to not “fear” giving away your trade secrets. Be open and willing to share your knowledge. Your ideal clients will appreciate the honesty, see the value in what you do and choose to hire you although you’ve just shown them how to do it themselves. Ideal clients know that they aren’t better off doing it themselves and that their business will benefit from hiring a professional.

You can learn more about how to create the framework and scripts for webinars that sell here.

Ready Made Lead Magnet for Social Media Managers

Resource Lists

One of the easiest and potentially valuable lead magnet ideas for social media managers is the resource list. Resource lists can be a starter kit with your recommendations for tools, books, websites, or downloadable contents that can aid your leads to achieving specific results. Typically they are useful things or a set of sources or ideas that your ideal clients would be interested in using.

PROS: Resource lists are super easy to create as they are based on other people’s content. If you can use affiliate links within your list, then you can create a source of potentially recurring and passive income.

CONS: They require ongoing maintenance when they include links to other online resources (like websites or external links), as those links might change or stop working. You don’t want to frustrate your potential leads by sending them something that is broken. Similar to ebooks, increase the perceived value by using good graphic design.

Resource lists can also help you generate passive income by including Affiliate links within the resources you are sharing. Social Media Marketers could create resource lists around topics including:

  • Social Media Marketing Blogs
  • Social Media Publishing Templates
  • Social Media Marketing Ebooks
  • Social Media Marketing Courses
  • Social Media Marketing Videos
  • Social Media Podcasts
  • Slideshows & Infographics About Social Media
  • Social Media Design Tools


Templates are one of the traditional lead magnet ideas for social media managers. They are ideal for infographics, emails, websites, posters, proposals, business documents, and other easily reusable outputs can work well to attract leads as people always want to save time and money. Pre-made templates that suit a specific purpose achieves that.

PROS: People love saving time. If your business is in a field whereby similar tasks or activities are performed then creating templates for others to use is perfect.

CONS: Templates are quite common and almost everything has been templated so yours needs to be somewhat unique or very specific to an untapped niche.

The types of templates a social media marketer could share are wide and varied, some suggestions are:

  • A scripted email series your clients could use as part of their client on-boarding or project handover process. Think about your ideal or existing clients, what processes might they have in common that are managed through email. How could those email messages be templated to help them save time or create a more efficient business?
  • A social media posting schedule could also be set up as a template that clients can download, modify to suit their business and use.


Standard Operating Procedures are another well-suited lead magnet to social media marketers. Create SOPs for any standard process that could benefit your clients. EG DIY social media content creation & posting processes.

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) is a set of instructions, or documentation, that outlines the actions for a task or routine activity. The structure of an SOP should be linear, easy to read, concise, with simple and clearly outlined steps. If your business has an activity that is replicable in other businesses, and it is proven effective, then sharing that process can be highly valuable

PROS: New to the lead magnet sphere so they are a new and fresh approach. Creating an SOP is firstly beneficial to your own business, and then a helpful tool for others.

CONS: Really can’t think of any. SOPs for the WIN!

If you use a social media strategy plan with all your clients, then that could be turned into an SOP that you share. One, it is possibly a process they can implement in their own business. Second, it gives them insight into how you work with clients and what it will be like for them to work with you.

You might educate your clients about the sales funnel process, the significance of lead magnets, sales pages, call to actions, etc. Implementing a basic funnel follows a standard process all of which can be turned into an SOP.


The Wrap Up of Social Media Lead Magnet Ideas

In recent years, there has been a drastic change in the way businesses acquire and retain customers. No longer is it effective to rely solely on traditional marketing techniques such as print ads, social media accounts, or even referrals. In order to stay competitive, businesses must find new and innovative ways to reach their target market. This list of lead magnet ideas for social media managers and marketers is the ideal starting point. Each type of magnet has its own set of benefits that can help businesses attract and convert more leads.

Do You Need a Ready Made Lead Magnet for your Social Media business? Now?!

If you’re just way too busy to focus on creating your own lead magnet, but KNOW you need one to get your Lead Generation campaign running. I’ve got you! We’ve just finished creating a Lead Magnet for Social Media Managers. AND, we have bundled that with a number of tools to teach you more about how to apply the lead magnet in your business. See what it is, and learn more about what’s included in your Ready-Made Lead Magnet here.
Are you ready to take your Lead Magnets SERIOUSLY?

Join the 5 Day Lead Challenge (for FREE) and learn how to turn on an endless stream of hot leads for your business.

Free 5 Day Leead Challenge


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