Are you stuck on how to work out how much to charge for a course? This post outlines what to consider when determining how to price your online course. You can also download for free, our Online Course Rate Calculator.
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Best WordPress Plugins for Online Courses
The question “which are the best wordpress plugins for online courses” is a popular one. And one there is no hard or fast answer to. Here is our list of what we have found to be the best plugins with their pros and cons. Plus, download for free our Online Course Comparison checker.
Best Online Course Platforms for Counsellors
As a counsellor or coach, offering online courses to your clients is a great way to diversify your income stream and reach a wider audience. In this article, we will explore the best online course platforms available that can help you easily create and sell your...
6 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Website Images
If you have a website, and you have added images to the website, most likely you are making these common image mistakes. AND they are damaging your web page’s ranking position within search engine results while turning away potential customers. In this post we will...
What makes an effective website for small business?
Don’t settle for average. Your website should be the best sales person in the business 24×7. Is your website generating new leads and inquiries? If not, check out our tips on what makes an effective website for small business.
7 Simple Steps to Optimise A Website For Better Search Results
If you’re not getting as many visitors to your website as you need, then it’s time to optimise. Start by applying these 7 steps and stop wasting all the time and money you invested in building your website.
Tools For Monitoring Your Website
Below is a list of excellent online tools that can help you monitor your website and keep everything on track. Find Out How Fast Your Website Loads Get insight into how well your site loads and provides actionable recommendations on how to...
How to Secure Your Website From Hackers and Hijackers – WordPress 101
Website hacking and hijacking is on the increase again! Don't take your website for granted. Your website was a business investment, just like your computer hardware or vehicles. And, like them, your website needs ongoing maintenance, servicing and patch updates....
How Website Maintenance Affects Your Business
I had some fantastic feedback from our email last month about your Business' Judgement Day. Yes it really was a true story! You can read it again here if you missed it (it was during the holidays after all). There were 2 questions that were commonly asked by many of...
Is Your Business Mobile Friendly?
What is a "Mobile Friendly" website? A "mobile friendly" (or mobile responsive) website is one that correctly displays the content of a website on small screens. The site adapts to whatever size screen it's being displayed on. Regardless of what device a visitor is...
Why do I receive spam emails from my own address?
"Why am I receiving spam email from my own email address" is one of the most asked questions I hear. When you are receiving emails from your own account, there are 2 possibilities at play: Your email account has been hacked and used to send spam Your email address has...
How to track your online marketing activities
Assuming you are already set up with some form of analytics on your website, the following will guide you through how you can track your online marketing activities that take place outside of your website domain - in blog articles, forum comments, social media, emails...
5-1 Checklist Webpage Optimiser
Use this basic 5-1 checklist for optimising your website pages so to get better search results for your online website marketing. Write a keyword rich title for each page of your website. Check that your website has a description Meta Tag using your keywords. Do this...
Online fraud on the rise – some of the methods explained
This week I have seen a number of media stories (blogs, papers and TV) highlighting the increase in online fraud and how Social Netwok sites are now being used to lure in the prey. Therefore, I wanted to remind you that if you own a website it is possible that it can...
Why do I receive emails that aren’t addressed to me?
If you’ve ever received an email that isn’t directly addressed to your email account, you may be wondering who sent it, what it’s about, and why it landed in your inbox. In most cases, these emails are spam. They’re common, and if you haven’t encountered them yet,...